
or how my my alters and i are merging together

Mars Sux

A friend this morning asked if I wanted to go see the movie John Carter of Mars. I felt naseous and pain went up and down my spine. Even writing the name of that planet makes my hands shake.

What the fracking hell, man??!!?? Why do I get this way about Mars? A mixture of anxiety, terror, anger and tears. I freaked out when I tried to watch Mission to Mars and Total Recall. And I have these horrible dreams I am on Mars and the sky is filled with these triangular-shaped ships where smaller ships launch out and land, and out come these THINGS in armour suits and some kind of advanced weapons in their hands.

The other night I had one like this and I was in a troop transport that was being shot at. The other soliders inside were not all human. One of them had a broken neck but was still alive and a medic put some sort of plaster goo on the person’s neck (this person not quite human) and the broken bones were fixed almost instantly.

I am too wigged out to do any hypno regression for Mars.

Someone suggested to me that I was never there, it is all bogus, but that “they” had programmed these memories and feelings into me to make me believe I am losing it. Yet I know my alter Irene has done off-planet missions, I just don’t know what she has done, exactly.

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6 thoughts on “Mars Sux

  1. God bless you. I too am a survivor of the programs. If you feel up to it, feel free to check out my blog here:

    I have nothing but compassion for your journey. Thank you for speaking out. I know you are telling the truth.

    I got so triggered by a show Joss Wheadon made about supersoldiers/sex workers for hire called Dollhouse, I thought I would go into shock as well. It’s definitely real, the off-world stuff. I hate Mars too. Not a big fan of the Moon, either.

    I have some continual thing going on with Space Command.

    Be well and sending all the healing and love in the world,


  2. I also get triggered by the following:

    La Femme Nikita
    The Bourne film series about Jason Bourne/other supersoldiers
    Alice in Wonderland
    The Wizard of Oz
    Lady Gaga’s stuff- any of her videos
    Any monarch symbolic imagery in pop music videos for that matter (Nicki Minaj, Madonna, Beyonce, Rihanna, etc)
    Disney stuff
    Eyes Wide Shut
    anything filmed about satanic rituals makes me about faint and my palms sweat and I get dizzy and my heart starts beating really fast
    much more…

  3. Never heard of Project Scream! Sounds horrible… Best, Anya

    • It’s the programme that creates pop idol icons for the Illuminati. Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse, Lady GaGa, Whitney Houston, Hannah Montana. Or maybe I am wrong? I get them so cofnused, because the CIA has their name, MI6 has their name, KGB has their name, Mossad has their name, for all the same things.

      • Thanks- Always keep ’em guessing, I guess! Bob and weave- I guess it’d be too much to expect any of these guys to be straightforward about anything relating to our programming, l0l

        Sounds like Monarch programming ,though!

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